Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's up to you

It's been quite awhile since I've posted but I've had a few things on my mind that I felt the need to discuss.
It's no secret that I'm an independent Isagenix Consultant/Health Coach. It's what I love, what I believe in and what I'll always promote. However, with that being said, I'm not going to shove that down your throat. If you aren't interested, fine. If you want to know more or are ready to make a commitment to a lifestyle change, I will be here to help you the whole way through. I love nothing more than watching peoples live transform right before my eyes both physically & mentally and sometimes even financially.
What I think more people need to think about when making a decision to diet is this: Is this something that I can realistically do for the rest of my life? If not why waste your time? I guess if it's a quick fix that you want then go for it. But lets be real the minute you stop doing your "diet" you are going to gain it all back and maybe some additional. Chances are, like most diets, you have done more damage than good to your metabolism making it even harder to lose those unwanted pounds.
Another thing that bothers me: Do you even care about your health and the consequences of what you are doing to your body? I'm not going to bash anything in particular but do research on what you are ingesting and by research I don't mean google and read reviews on what others think of the products. I mean really research the ingredients and educate yourself on what you are taking. Chances are if it sounds to good to be true (lose unwanted weight without changing what you eat and/or working out) it probably is. Just like you can't get paid with out going to work, you can't expect to lose weight without a little.
Ultimately it's your choice. I can only hope that you'll choose long term health and wellness over short term get skinny quick tactics. Strong & Healthy is the new beautiful 😘

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Trying some new things

One of the hardest things for me has always been meal planning. I know how to eat healthy. I know what I should and shouldn't eat. However, I just get bored with making the same things over and over again. (Not to mention, I'm really not the best cook) I guess it's not really as much as me getting bored as it is making things that my family will eat. So over the past few weeks I set out to try some new things to add to my "family approved" meals.
The first thing on my list was Kabobs. This isn't really a new thing at my house It had just been a very long time since I'd made them. These are always a hit at my house. And you can make it your own by changing up the vegetables you use. I generally make chicken and steak at my house and use sweet onion and a mix of red, yellow and green peppers. The most time consuming part of this meal is cutting the vegetables but it's well worth the effort. It's a great healthy dish. If you've never made them,  you should definitely add it to your menu.

My new recipe I decided to try was Kale chips. I've heard all the rave about how great they are and of course how good kale is for you so I decided to give it a whirl. I picked up some kale at the farmers market and looked up a recipe on Pinterest. It really is a quick and easy snack to make. For mine, I just used sea salt, olive oil and garlic powder. I enjoyed them however, my family? Not so much! This will not be going on my list of "family" friendly recipes. I will definitely make them for me for a quick snack though. I am a snacker and these are a good healthy snack to munch on.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Just a little rant

I don't even know where to begin with this, really. I'm not going to bash any other products or programs but I just feel the need to address a few comments I've heard lately....

I know that by no means do I know everything or have all the answers however, I have been in the fitness industry for almost 6 years now and have been mentored and worked with some of the best. I have tried a lot of things myself to lose weight. I never used to care about what I put in my body or about the effects. I just wanted to be "skinny". A lot has changed in the past few years. I no longer wish to be "skinny". I strive to be strong and healthy. Therefore I now lift weights (heavy ones) and  try to be concious of what I'm putting in my body.
All of these things combined have led me to Isagenix. Does it cost money? Yes. Do I have to workout still? Yes. Is it a magic pill that will make me skinny? No. So this is the issue I'm addressing; Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. You go to McDonalds and pay $1.00 for a cheeseburger and you get a burger that is barely meat. You go to Ruth's Chris steakhouse and pay $50 for a steak and you get one of the best tasting best cuts of meat possible...... I look at weight loss products/ supplements like this. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is. Even if it works, are the after effects worth it? Is it worth your health to be "skinny" for a short period of time? Well, to me it's not. I choose to follow a program that is realistic, has no additives or hidden ingredients and is a long term solution as opposed to short term results.

 Maybe Isagenix isn't for everyone, but it works for me and my family.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Muscle vs Fat

So i've been out of the exercise world for a while. Longer than I care to think about. Once upon a time I weighed about the same as I do now, but was a size smaller. It's hard to comprehend how there can be such a difference in size with the same weight. It can also be mentally challenging to not get discouraged by the weight on the scale and give up. This is something I've seen over and over again over the course of my career. Even though I know what to expect it is still something that I too, struggle with everyday. With that being said I thought that I'd share some facts on muscle vs fat.

First of all, even women need to weight train. There is a very common misconception that if women weight train they will "look like a man" or "bulk up". The truth of the matter is that you have to know what you are doing and train hard to build a lot of muscle as a female. So why is it important to weight train as a female? Faster fat loss. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn and the slimmer you look. So start lifting ladies! :-)

Another misconception is that "muscle weighs more than fat". A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same...a pound. However, muscle does take up less space so it it possible to weigh more yet look smaller. This is one of the reasons why I HATE the chart the Dr's use to determine if you're under/overwieght or obese. I really don't see how you can determine where an individuals health stands based on these charts. By these standards I am actually considered obese for my weight & height...... I am a size 8 and obese! Seriously?!

Anyway, what is the point to all of this? Stop letting the scale dictate how you feel about yourself! It's just a number and should be used as a reflection of yourself. I know it's easier said then done. I get caught up in the numbers game too but am learning to go by how my clothes feel rather than what the scale says as I hope you will too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wealth Creation

I'm looking for motivated people to join my team. Isagenix is an amazing company with great products that are guranteed to get you results. So if you are looking to make a little extra money or to create a career check out the following link:


Isagenix offers full benefits plus the flexibility to create your own schedule. Get started today!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

We're only human....

Sometimes it's so easy to get discouraged and be hard on ourselves for just being human. I'm not really sure why that is. I think that sometimes I really do have too high of expectations, which can be good but also not so good in certain instances. 
Especially in the battle of losing weight and getting healthy. I've spent the last six years of my career coaching people and telling them to realize they've had their lifetime to create bad habits and not to expect to make a change overnight. Sometimes it really is hard to practice what you preach! I was however just recently reminded that we need to not be so hard on ourselves and realize that the fact that we are even trying should be a victory in itself.

Why am I bringing this subject up? Well I just had a very fun 2 weeks on vacation, 8 of those days in Myrtle Beach.....without my Isagenix and clean eating! Did I have fun? Yes. Did I eat like a mad woman? Yes. Do I feel horrible for doing so? Yes. But I have 2 choices really: I can choose to be upset about not sticking to my plan and give up because I already went off track or I can suck it up, deal with it and move on.

We should celebrate every pound lost, every workout completed, every healthy recipe we try, etc.. If you fall off the wagon, SO WHAT?! Tomorrow is a new day. Get back at it and move on. That is what I'm choosing to do. I'm getting back on it and continuing to do what I need to do to reach my goal. 
What are you choosing to do?!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Where to begin

I am such a creature of habit it's disgusting!! When one thing changes in my life I automatically go into freak out mode of how to make my new schedule work. Even though I literally have nothing but time now I've still managed to overwhelm myself. So I get that it's not always easy to make a change and I understand (kinda) why people get comfortable and don't ever want to try something new. I guess I've been comfortable with being uncomfortable for quite awhile now though so I'll make it work just as I've been doing most of my life now.

I had a few days of fun and to let myself digest the thought of being unemployed (that took a few days of drinking....ha! J/k only one! Lol) but now I have to dive back in and get back in it. Today I'm going to go for a nice little run (just took a shot of ionix supreme and am drinking a cup of coffee as I type this)  and then take a few hours to plan and prep for the week. As if I'm not already in freak out mode, we leave for Vacation Thursday evening.....eek! Not that vacation is a bad thing ....again I'm a creature of habit! Luckily, I should have my shipment here in time to have to do one last cleanse before we hit the road and to have enough shakes to get me through vacation.....,Yes, try to stay 1/2 way healthy on vacation but that's a whole other blog!

So, today I'll take some time and share with you how I go about me planning and prepping. Remember I'm not a nutritionist I'm just a real person sharing how I do things. I'm happy to give advice or help anyone in any way that I can though. It's what I love to do and what I'll miss most about the gym So please, hit me up with any questions at any time!
This week was pretty easy to plan since we have dinner plans Wednesday and leave for vacation on Thursday. Here is peak at what I normally do for the week. Sometimes I'll switch meals through out the week but I'll always stick to the meals I have planned. This also makes it much easier when grocery shopping and helps save money since I know exactly what I need. I'm way less likely to buy junk when I have a plan for the week. (My friends think I'm horrible since I very rarely buy junk food for my house)

Since I make a lot of the same meals often I generally know the nutritional content but if I need to look something up I just enter the recipe in myfitnesspal.com and get the information from there. I always keep track of my caloric intake though. I know some people are against the calorie counting but I absolutely have to watch my calories and what I'm eating. I have a horrible metabolism and gain weight quickly if I'm not conscious of what I'm eating.

In preparation for vacation I also placed another Isagenix order to have snacks to take with me to help avoid the temptation of eating junk the whole time I'm gone. One of my favorite things about this program is that they offer several low glycemic snack options.....even chocolate.(Isadelights are a god send. For real!) so when I'm on the go I can grab a bar to take with me and not have to worry about not having so etching sensible to eat while I'm out. It makes my life much easier. 

So wish me luck as I'm off to the beach for a week. My goal is to have fun but not go completely off my diet. 

I'll let you know how it goes!

If you're interested in learning more about Isagenix visit my website at www.jennifersexton11.isagenix.com 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A new beginning part 2

Where to begin?! It's crazy for me to even put it in words. This week I'm leaving behind something that has been a huge part of my life for the past 5 years. As of June 25,2014 I will no longer be an employee of Super Fitness. 

I'm not even really sure what to say about it. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my job. It has not only helped mold me into the person I am today but has also allowed me to help others make the decision to lead a healthier lifestyle as well....It truely is such a rewarding career. I love being able to help members make the decision to change their lives. I love watching them become a more confident person & realizing that they are way more capable than what they had thought. I love when they thank me for not giving up on them and bugging them until they said yes. There isn't much better than that!

The decision to leave wasn't an easy one but ultimately I feel it is the best one for me and my family.
So for the time being I will take the opportunity to spend more time with my children and enjoy the extra time that I will get with them. I still love Super Fitness and will continue to be a member And will hopefully be able to work out on a regular schedule again! 

So what will I do now?! Stay tuned..... :-) Lots of working out and who knows?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A new beginning

I've recently decided it was time to make some changes in my life. First off, after gaining 17lbs in the past year I knew I had to make my fitness a priority again. I mean....I work at a gym and gained 17lbs in a year!! How in the world did that happen?!? Like so many people I've encountered over the past years, I simply put everything else first and had a list a mile long of excuses as to why I couldn't stay to workout or why I was just going to eat bad one more day and I'd "start back on Monday". Well a lot of Mondays came and went and I never started back. Then one day I looked in the mirror and I realized that If I didn't like who I was becoming I was the only person who could do anything about it. I do not ever want to be the fat girl again (even though I joke about being the fat girl I know I'm far from that girl I used to be). Nor do I ever want to feel that bad again.

So, I decided to take back control of my health. I began a new program that I had been skeptical of previously. I decided that this would be my accountability. I know how horrible I feel when I put junk in my body yet I continue to do so over and over. I also knew that If I was committed to spending the money that I would be more committed to staying true to my intentions. Someone once told me "if you  want to know where someone's heart, is open their checkbook". This is true. The more money you spend on something the more committed you will be to it. Believe me, I've seen this proven over and over again. I'm not saying that you need to run out and waste a ton of money on pointless fitness equipment or things you'll never use. What I am saying to you is that if it's really that important to you, you will free up your finances to make it work. You are the only person who can take the steps necessary to reach your goals.

After 3 weeks of being on my program I am now 4lbs away from my all time lowest ever adult weight and only 11lbs away from my ultimate goal! Not only have I lost weight but my energy levels are insane!! I feel great both mentally and physically. I sleep great every night and wake up feeling refreshed every morning. I couldn't be happier about the results thus far. My next goal is to start exercising on a regular basis again. Because even though I'm losing weight I still have only been making maybe one workout a week. I'm excited to see how I do when I get back on a fitness routine again! 

Anyway, what is the point of my aimless rambling? I guess I'm trying to say a few things: 1) We are only human. It's ok to stumble and fall. Just get back up and go again. And 2) Only you have the ability to make changes in your life. If you want it, do it.